

All KentuckyMGMA programs are designed to help you achieve professional success and help your practice meet the ever-changing challenges it faces.

KMGMA values PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT to enhance the skills and knowledge of medical practice executives so they can improve their practices and advance their careers.  ADVOCACY to represent our profession to ensure understanding and comprehension of the business and operational aspects of physician practice management. COLLABORATION to foster the exchange of ideas and best practices between medical practice executives; and LEADERSHIP to inspire medical practice executives to innovate and deliver change that maximizes the community's investment in healthcare.


BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP which contribute to your personal and professional success:

  • Participate in our state-wide conferences with a mix of medical practice leaders in one location. Members always receive discounted registration rates.

  • Participate in our regularly scheduled webinars on current topics to benefit your practice.  Members receive free or discounted webinar registration rates.

  • Receive certification through the American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE) using the education, support and resources provided to you as a member.

  • Receive periodic legislative updates to keep informed on issues that face the healthcare community.

  • Develop leadership skills and your professional network through your contribution on the KMGMA Board or Committees. 

  • Look for and post jobs for free on our online job board
  • Find your peers and make new connections within your specialty by searching for fellow members through our "members only" online directory.

Click here to join today!


Sfp LogoSFP is a leading payment processing provider helping merchants navigate the constant changes in the bank card industry while keeping costs low, ensuring data security, and enhancing efficiency by making it simple to run transactions. SFP offers KMGMA members credit card and ACH/check processing services at a special discount off its regular rates.

Under the new program, SFP will provide a member company a savings proposal based on its unique processing needs. An SFP consultative analyst will quote expected program savings in advance. KMGMA members will also enjoy these exclusive member benefits:

In addition to quoted savings, 10% of the net process revenue SFP generates from a member’s account will be rebated back to the member on an annual basis.

  • A 60-day trial period and no-cost equipment loaner program
  • A 90-day trial period for members that do not currently accept credit cards
  • Free equipment loaner program
  • A free “AccessOne” online reporting system, a $120 annual value
  • A dedicated member helpline: +1 855-632 9862

As trusted advisors, SFP professionals assess each company’s current situation to evaluate its strengths and identify areas for improvement and provide its employees with education on how the processing industry works and how to avoid common pitfalls.

SFP will be in touch or feel free to call 855.632.9862. Click the link below to learn more about this exclusive member benefit 

Opportunities to interact and connect with industry suppliers offering an array of emerging technology, applications and services designed to help you find solutions to changes in the industry and build important business relationships.

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